What is SKY project about?

What is SKY project about?(Skills and Knowledge for Youth) SKY is a research project with the following aimsSK続きを読む

SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] HOME What is SKY project about?

What is SKY project about?(Skills and Knowledge for Youth)

  • Recently, developing countries demonstrate remarkable economic growth. Accordingly, the economic growth rate in Africa has exceeded developed countries since 2000.

SKY is a research project with the following aimsSKY is a research project with the following aims

  1. 1) To propose effective means for developing industrial human resources which contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries
  2. 2) To specify if technical and vocational education and training is providing a workforce with skills demanded by the industries
  3. 3) To develop the skills assessment module and operationalize it, so that it would benefit governments of developing countries, so local and investing firms can benefit

Strengths of SKYStrengths of SKY

Using the skills assessment sheets developed originally by SKY, we can provide answers to the following questions for relevant industries:

  • Whether there are any mismatches between the skill expectations of employers and the training providers
  • Whether the actual skills which workers have match with the expectations of employers and trainers
  • Whether the curricula of training institutions are relevant and succeed in developing people with in-demand skills

For the governments of developing countries

The governments of developing countries have to provide technical and vocational education and training within the limited public budget effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to get accurate answers to the following questions: Are there any mismatches between the training and employment?; Are the workers’ skills appropriate for the work they do?; Are the curricula of training institutions appropriate to develop needed types of skills? To be able to answer them, one has to establish the methods of conducting the skills assessment of workers and accurately assess the gaps between the supply and demand sides of the skilled workforce.

For firms which consider foreign investment

One of the major impediments to foreign investments is the availability of a quality workforce on site. Are there good workers with necessary skills? Can we secure a sufficient workforce with necessary skills? Where do we need to start from to train workers on the job? The skills assessment conducted by SKY will help you to find the paths to get the concrete measures to answer these questions.

Pilot studies are conducted in three countries, aimed at standardizing the skills assessment module for application in different countries and industrial sectors