Activity report: South Africa (by Shoko Yamada)2018.05.02 Shoko Yamada Africa
Area: Africa
Country: South Africa
Between February and March, 2018, a SKY project member visited South Africa to make arrangements for the skills assessment to be conducted with workers and employers of clothing industry. The clothing industry in South Africa has been severely damaged by the inflow of cheap products from overseas. However, in recent years, with the aim of promoting employment, the government introduced the policy to increase the proportion of local production of garment products. Accordingly, the garment production for domestic market is recovering.
During this trip, the SKY project member has explained the benefits of participation in this assessment to the representatives of three employers’ associations (ATASA, SACMA, TCMA) and the workers’ association (SACTWU), who agreed to provide full support and let their member factories and workers take part in the assessment which is composed of questionnaire, written and practical tests.
For implementation, Productivity and Training Institute of National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (NBCCMI-PTI) will be the local coordinating body. Clothing Departments of Durban University of Technology and Umfolozi TVET College are also going to take part.
SKY project, in partnership with NBCCMI-PTI is requesting for financial and technical assistance of Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) for fiber processing and manufacturing industries.
As the first year of intervention, in 2018, the assessment will be conducted in KwaZulu Natal Province, with the vision of expanding to the national level.
(Author: Shoko Yamada)
- National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (NBCCMI) – Productivity and Training Institute (PTI)
- http://www.nbc.org.za/
- South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU)
- http://www.sactwu.org.za/
- Apparel and Textile Association of South Africa (ATASA)
- South African Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (SACMA)
- Transvaal Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (TCMA)
- Durban University of Technology (DUT)
- http://www.dut.ac.za/
- Umfolozi TVET College
- https://www.umfolozicollege.co.za/
- Fiber Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA)
- http://www.fpmseta.org.za/default.aspx