Professor Yamada and Associate Professor Otchia attended the 2nd International TVET Conference2019.08.07 Christian Otchia Africa
The 2nd International Technical and Vocational Education and Training Conference was held in Addis Ababa from July 29 to 31 under the sponsorship of Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). GIZ currently is implementing the The Ethio-German Sustainable Training and Education Program (STEP) and as the part of the program, GIZ held the conference to exchange opinions among TVET stakeholders. SKY project members Professor Shoko Yamada and Associate Professor Christian Otchia were invited to this conference.
Professor Yamada gave a presentation based on achievement of SKY project in the session entitled “Spotlight on Skill Needs: Responding to the Demand in order to Bridge the Gaps”. Associate professor Otchia acted as a discussant in panel discussions entitled “Managing TVET Systems to Meet the Demand for Changing Skills and Trends” and “Financing TVET: Options and Challenges” . The conference consisted of 250 participants including government officials, TVET experts and multinational companies.