

SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] ホーム 『途上国の産業人材育成』日本評論社

  • 2021.01.28山田肖子・大野泉 編著




  • 2020.12.08近藤菜月



  • 2020.12.08島津侑希

    島津侑希「職業技術教育・訓練(TVET)における非認知能力育成―エチオピアの公立TVET 校での「他者と働く力」の 育成―」国際開発学会第31回全国大会

    発表題目「職業技術教育・訓練(TVET)における非認知能力育成―エチオピアの公立TVET 校での「他者と働く力」の 育成―」

  • 2020.12.08水谷文・近藤菜月


    水谷文・近藤菜月「自己効力感、技能、収入の関係 ガーナのインフォーマルセクターとフォーマルセクターの比較分析」国際開発学会第31回全国大会

    発表題目「自己効力感、技能、収入の関係 ガーナのインフォーマルセクターとフォーマルセクターの比較分析」

  • 2020.12.08山崎裕次郎




  • 2020.09.15Cristian Otchia


    Webinar: COVID-19 and Beyond: A Perspective from Japan and South Africa

    The summary of Dr. Otchia's presentation on Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS) webinar "COVID-19 and Beyond: A Perspective from Japan and South Africa". This webinar discussed how ongoing initiatives can help mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, either in the immediate coping phase or when economies start to recover. Dr. Otchia made a presentation about the Japan's response to the COVID-19 with statistical data.

  • 2020.09.10山田肖子・辻本温史・島津侑希




  • 2020.09.10山田肖子・辻本温史・島津侑希


    JICA緒方研究所ランチタイムセミナー『日本の国際教育協力:歴史と展望』発表資料:「JICAの産業人材育成 日本の人づくり教育の源流とその展開」


  • 2020.08.04Shoko Yamada


    Adaptive skills development to boost economy: The experience of post‐WWII Japan and its implications to Africa

    The interactive online meetings entitled “Skills for Economic diversification in Central Africa: leveraging experiences from successful comparators and building partnerships." held by the Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa on 30 July, 2020.
    In the meeting, Professor Yamada, SKY project leader, made a presentation under the title of "Adaptive skills development to boost economy: The experience of post‐WWII Japan and its implications to Africa".

  • 2020.07.28日本アフリカ学会第57回学術大会(島津侑希)




    English Abstract
    TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) students need to possess the necessary knowledge and skills required by the labor market. To maintain such knowledge and skills, the Ethiopian government has implemented the cooperative training program. However, many researchers have questioned the effect of the program. They point out the weak linkage between the TVET institute and the factory hinders the students from learning. To find out the current situation and issues of the program, the author conducted interviews with the stakeholders and field observation at the factory. The author found there was no common understanding of the program between the TVET institute and the factory. The TVET institute expects the factory to train practical skills, while the factory considers the students as cheap labor. This mismatch makes the students difficult to learn at the factory. The author also found that non-cognitive skills, especially communication skill and punctuality, are essential for the students to learn at the factory. Since the factory has a limited number of machines, only a few students who came early can use them. Also, workers at the factory are too busy to take care of TVET students, so the students must communicate with the workers well to find out somehow what they want to know. This situation gives some of the students who are not aggressive/sociable tough times at the factory.

  • 2020.05.07Shoko Yamada・Christian Otchia


    Perception gaps on employable skills between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers and students: the case of the garment sector in Ethiopia

    The paper “Perception gaps on employable skills between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers and students: the case of the garment sector in Ethiopia” by Sky Project members Dr.Otchia and Dr. Yamada was published in the Journal of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. This paper focuses on the perception gaps between teachers and students of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) related to garment production and the reasons behind such gaps. Please click the picture for more details.

  • 2020.01.20谷口京子・島津侑希



    11月16・17日に開催された、国際開発学会・人間の安全保障学会の2019共催大会における、企画セッション「途上国の産業人材に求められる技能の実証研究―Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) プロジェクトの成果報告―」での発表資料

  • 2020.01.06山田肖子



    11月16・17日に開催された、国際開発学会・人間の安全保障学会の2019共催大会における、企画セッション「途上国の産業人材に求められる技能の実証研究―Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) プロジェクトの成果報告―」での発表資料

  • 2019.12.16


    日本の国際教育協力 歴史と展望


  • 2019.10.15Shoko Yamada・Christian Otchia


    Reconciling heterogeneous results on the returns to skills in Africa

    The paper “Reconciling heterogeneous results on the returns to skills in Africa” by Sky Project members Dr.Otchia and Dr. Yamada was published in the Journal of Education and Work. This paper analyzes the causal effects of cognitive and non-cognitive skills on labor market outcomes by using STEP data from Ghana and Kenya, and explores the heterogeneity of the skill-related returns. Please click the button below for more details.

  • 2019.09.01Shoko Yamada・Christian Otchia


    Interactions between vocational and attitudinal skills in labour market outcomes: findings from the skills’ assessment of garment factory workers in Ethiopia

    SKY Project members Dr. Otchia and Dr. Yamada's paper “Interactions between vocational and attitudinal skills in laboratory market outcomes: findings from the skills' assessment of garment factory workers in Ethiopia” was published in the Journal of Vocational Education & Training. This paper analyzes the effects of an attitude and vocational skills test on the wages of garment factory workers in Ethiopia.